Paus Franciscus doet dringend verzoek aan natiestaten zoveel mogelijk migranten op te nemen omdat Europa worstelt met een overstroming van mensen gered uit de Middellandse Zee

NIEUWSFLITS van ZEEPERTJE.COM het radartje op het wereldwijde web dat een steentje bijdraagt in de bestrijding van de dictatoriale EU, … Meer

Pope Francis: Opponents of Mass Migration Sow ‘Violence, Racial Discrimination and Xenophobia’

In his new message for the World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has denounced those who question the wisdom of … Meer

Christmette im Petersdom; Papst ruft Christen zu Gastfreundschaft auf: “Kraft der Angst in Kraft der Liebe verwandeln”

Papst Franziskus hat bei der Christmette an Heiligabend dazu aufgerufen, Verfolgte und Vertriebene willkommen zu heißen. Maria und Josef teilten … Meer

Pope Francis Asks For Forgiveness of Rohingya Muslims While Christians are Slaughtered in the Middle East

Pope Francis has recently traveled to the Asian continent. Firstly, he visited Myanmar and then paid a visit to the … Meer

Leftist Catholic mag: Robert Spencer “disagrees with the thrust of modern church teaching on Islam and Muslims”

In a lengthy hit piece in which they rely on the “research” of the Prince Alwaleed-funded “Bridge Initiative” of Georgetown … Meer

Pope Francis Decries ‘Discriminatory and Xenophobic’ Reactions to Mass Migration

Pope Francis denounced “negative reactions” to the phenomenon of mass migration Saturday, suggesting that more formation of conscience is needed … Meer

Pope Francis: Jesus Christ Himself Asks Us to Welcome Migrants ‘With Arms Wide Open’

Pope Francis has once again launched an appeal for greater acceptance of migrants and refugees, insisting that it is Jesus Christ … Meer

Pope Francis: Concern for “cultural identity” doesn’t justify opposition to mass Muslim migration

“I won’t hide my concern in the face of the signs of intolerance, discrimination and xenophobia that have arisen in … Meer