Moslim gezin verkracht, knevelt en wurgt christelijk meisje voor de ogen van haar vader

NIEUWSFLITS van ZEEPERTJE.COM het radartje op het wereldwijde web dat een steentje bijdraagt in de bestrijding van de dictatoriale EU, … Meer

Al-Shabaab kept women as sex slaves, subjected them to gang rapes and forced abortions

Why have we seen not just the Islamic State, but also Boko Haram and now al-Shabaab take sex slaves? Because … Meer

Why Islam is a totalitarian system and a threat for every non-Muslim civilisation

We asked expert on political Islam and successful author of several books, Dr. Bill Warner, to explain us what Islam … Meer

UK church holds joint birthday celebration for Muhammad and Jesus

Muhammad, according to Islamic belief, was given the Qur’an from Allah, through the angel Gabriel. The Qur’an denies central tenets … Meer

Berlin: Muslim rioters torch stars of David, scream genocidal jihad chant about killing Jews

As I explain in my book The Truth About Muhammad, Muhammad led a Muslim force against the Khaybar oasis, which … Meer