TOOLS OF JIHAD Shocking police pictures reveal 10,000-weapon arsenal including howitzers, machine guns and grenades intended for the hands of terrorists in Europe

Police found the stash in Spain back in January but have only now released the terrifying images.

POLICE last night revealed an arsenal of more than 10,000 weapons destined for the hands of terrorists and organised gangs around Europe.

A continent-wide operation stopped weapons including anti-aircraft guns, howitzers and grenades falling into the hands of extremists in France, Spain and Belgium.

Some were previously described as being powerful enough to “bring down an aircraft”. Among the haul were automatic weapons, machine guns, howitzers and grenades.

A terrifying haul of more than 10,000 weapons has been revealed by continent-wide police force Europol.
Investigators reckons the haul was heading for the hands of organised crime gangs and terrorists throughout Europe.

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